Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


... Not orange, but pretty bright on this sunlight and showers bitterly cold day.

This is a hasty one, not because of brain fug (which has been an issue for a week or two) but because feeling free of it I have spent the day being a whirlwind and catching up with lots of things (and people). 

And now it's time to call the Elderlies and brace myself for whatever the day has brought. One thing, I know, will have been a visit from the Dentist. 
(I'm filling up with as much Grace as I can muster, but I don't understand why someone, who has been a regular at a NHS dentist all their life, now has to start to pay for dental care in their nineties. Lots of aspects of Elderly Care seem bonkers to me. Rant over). 

Switching into listening mode.

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