The Wedding

What an incredibly wonderful day. How on earth could I possibly summarise it fairly.

It was ace.

PuddleDuck and DougsJB are married.

Breakfast for us 9, in & out depending on rules, working together and later, ultimately 2 families in church all together celebrating this God-given Jesus-loving couple as they say their vows before God, and begin their married life together.

The service was live-streamed with over 210 devices tuned in. It was simple, and all done well. After the service, we sat the couple back down and they watched a 12-minute video of gathered family greetings. How precious was that, especially as they didn’t know beforehand.

Photos in the park under autumn light and then on to a local hotel. Lovely company, great food, wonderfully served, warm, witty funny, clever speeches and more video’ed greetings from friends, theirs and ours, and godparents, a gorgeous cake and a happy memorable day was had by all.

I’ll add some extras ...

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