Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

"She dwelt among the untrodden ways"

A nod to Wordsworth! Today's walk was indeed among untrodden ways. I had discovered on an old map an alternative path up to the Pic d'Alzina. We could not get as far as the peak and back in an hour but this path would go part of the way and form a loop.  I discovered there was still an old sign off the road that marked the start and the path was still passable and not too overgrown but obviously abandoned. We did not do the full circuit as I was not confident that we were going in the right direction in the forest and did not want to get lost. We turned around but I will try again tomorrow as I have studied the map again and think we were alright. 
We both went for blood tests first thing today but were sent home again. The doctor had neglected to tell us that we were supposed to go without breakfast! We will try again tomorrow.

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