Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


I went into town this morning this time not having eaten any breakfast and had my blood tests. They are certainly being thorough as there are 25 analyses. That might explain the bill of nearly €100 but at least I will get that back now I am in the health system and insured. Just opposite the laboratory where they do the blood tests there is a fine mural, not quite the trompe l’oeil I posted the other day but quite good nonetheless. Today’s walk was just around the streets as I had to go via the doctors to collect a form. In the afternoon I did breathe and release yoga and prepared my ingredients for breadmaking tomorrow. Finally, after nearly 2 weeks I have got my new starter active enough. I am encouraged that Joe Biden seems to be almost over the line but worry about what will happen when Trump refuses to accept defeat and handover the Presidency.
I also noticed that it is a blip birthday today, nine years with only one backblip when I couldn’t get an internet connection. I still find it a good discipline to look around each day and find something to admire or to celebrate. I also enjoy reading everybody else’s journals and I’m very grateful to those who pop in and read mine.

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