We've been having this cat passing through our yard for the past couple of months. In past years, I wouldn't have allowed it, because he/she would have been lying in wait to nab my birds.

But, for reasons that I don't want to say, we have had to quit feeding the birds. So, kitty gets to hang out.

This past week, he/she has decided to make a "home" on a wooden box on top of my woodpile. The cat stays there for hours, sometimes from 8 a.m. 'til 8 p.m.

We differ on the cat's home situation. Lisa thinks it runs all day, and then goes home (a nice warm home) at night. I don't. I think it is homeless, a feral cat.

I'm having mixed feelings about feeding it. We can't take it in (Lisa is allergic), but I feel bad if it is out in the elements all day. 

With Winter approaching, what is his/her fate?

I wish I knew its sex, so I could at least name it.

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