Upside down
It's November the sixth. Some celebrate the death of the old swedish King Gustav II Adolph who had ambitions to create an empire but instead died in a heavy fog in Germany, valiantly riding into it on his own to fight the entire german army. He's remembered by eating a pastry Not by me though, I'm quite fed up with leaders who act to make their country great again.
Instead I stepped out on my veranda in the bright sunshine at eight this morning to find it to be really warm. In the shady side of the house it was 15 degrees C already, but in the sun, it felt like a summers morning with no breeze and a cloud-free sky. In fact, a lot of the summer never reached this kind of niceness. I had my breakfast outside which feels weird at the same time as it's really pleasant. Rehearsals took place in front of an open window.
I spotted a colony of tiny mushroom growing on an old tree trunk, they belong to the time of year but might be a bit surprised about the climate they woke up in. On my walk around the pond, in my shirt and no jacket, I couldn't resist a reflection picture. The clear air and the colours of the trees gives the time of year away and the Ash tree in my garden still had most of its leaves less than two weeks ago. It's the 6th of November but what a peculiar day.
The election in the country to the west of me is not going in the present presidents way. To me, that is very good news but I'm worried about the people who worships voted for him and what they might do next, and if they will accept a democratic president. Extreme nationalism has been rapidly spreading in the last five years.
Will the result of this election be a turning point?
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