Poseidon Pier
I woke up at silly O'clock, for no other reason than I had enough sleep and was out the house by 7am. It was an amazing morning, totally calm and wonderful light. I was actually wishing I was going for a swim.
The sun was just rising as I walked along Granton harbour wall. It was glorious. There were around 8 swimmers in the water, a few cackling like seagulls fighting over a bit of pie. I was thinking 'that's nice that they're having fun & I wish they would keep quiet, both at the same time". Silence is best watching the sun rise.
I walked all the way to the end of the wall, seeing eider and turnstones. Eider are such cool ducks...they look weird. Then I managed to capture a bunting type bird with my camera. I still need to identify it. I hear and catch glimpses of them all the time, but they camouflage themselves in the seaweed. It looked like a spotted flycatcher but its too late in the year for one of them.
I looked at my watch...."shit", how have I spent 90-mins just wandering. I had to get back home for work. It was a non-stop day of meetings and a bit teaching. Lunch was when I switched my camera off and it wouldn't have happened until 4pm if Rosemary hadn't brought it through.
I was gonna train in the evening, but Rosemary looked as if she needed company, so we walked up to Realfoods for essential supplies. Dinner was veggie bugger n oven fries! Such dinners are essential on a Friday!
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