It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK


The morning started off with a few hours on Zwift. I didn't want to smash myself, took it easier at the beginning and actually didn't need a lie down on the floor afterwards.

Rosemary didn't fancy accompanying me and my camera to Dalmeny. She would have been fine though as the light was rubbish and I didn't see any decent compositions. These ferns were as good as it got. Still, I had a really nice walk in the woods and on the beach. It was dusk by the time I left, having seen no sunset whatsoever. It's not that it wasn't beautiful, but the light was such that nothing 'popped' through the lens.

Talking of light, at Crammond Brig my front light started showing 'red', a sign that my battery would run out imminently. It lasted long enough to get me to the prom, so I managed to get home without being on the road much. 

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