
By JohnHeuston1

Camper store

This is the Camper shoe store in Glasgow city-centre. It was in this store around a year ago, while attempting to buy a new pair (I'm a big fan) that I received quite a surprise. For the first time in over twenty-five years, I had grown a shoe-size. Strolling in, with the major purchase decision being black or not, I was pretty sure I was an eleven. Tight, though, at the toe and sides, are you sure they're an eleven? Of course they were sure, and a twelve it was, and is.

And rather than a trip to the shipyards for a custom-made pair, the good people of Camper had a twelve in stock. I remember though going into my local shoe-shop in the suburb I grew up in, aged around 16 and asking for an eleven. The assistant looked in horror and told me I would have to 'try the big shops in town'. Camper though, were on the ball.

Campers are quite unusual, but just right for me. Sure, the motto is 'intelligence walking', kinda nice thank-you, but I'm more going for the comfort, and yes, the fact they do a twelve. It's a Spanish company, but the quasi-exotic aspect is more surrounded by the fact that I am not big on trainers, while although I like Converse, I have a daughter who wears them and who refuses to accompany her father if he's wearing them too. Camper it is. It's nothing to do with comparative terms, or with camping, it's just a name whose worldview I can get. I'm now at peace with the fact one's feet can grow at my age, but no more, thank-you very much. @Camper do you do thirteens? is a tweet I don't wish to send.

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