The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Girls on their first Blipmeet!

Oh what a lovely day...two in a row!! We slept until 7am...yes, I know, how lazy! We headed out and walked the streets of Edinburgh for over an hour, finding ourselves at the foot of Edinburgh Castle. Back to the apartment for breakfast and then we went out for walk number two...back up to the castle where I took this shot...lots of other people snapped them too! We went into the grounds as the lady on the gate let us through...only to be hoofed out five minutes later by a different and frantic lady in red. She 'escorted' us out...I said it really wasn't necessary but she wasn't having any of it. I think I saw Pip flick her a paw...little cheeky monster!

After an hour or so, I dropped the girls off at the apartment and headed back out again, but this time went on to the Scottish Portrait Gallery to meet LeeAnne, FT and Pixel8. We mooched throughout the gallery, gossiping like old friends, then headed to The Dome for a lovely lunch. That place is stunning, the most amazing chandeliers. More easy conversation is amazing how blip allows you to feel like you really know people before you actually meet them!

I nipped back to the apartment to get the girls and then we met back up in Princes Street Gardens. The sun shone and it was so relaxing. Well, apart from Pippa and Lottie spotting a squirrel and going mental! LeeAnne found a dog friendly pub so we sat in there for a couple of hours and nattered on...the girls haven't been a pub before and they were relatively well behaved...the only down side was the whiffy farts coming from Pippa's rear end! The girls and I left at 6pm, clearly some puppy tummies were rumbling and they couldn't wait any longer! Back to the apartment, the girls are fed and now we are settling down for a relaxing evening of a good book, prawn salad and a glass of red. Happy days!

Thank you so much to my wonderful companions today, I absolutely loved meeting up and putting real names and faces to the blip shenanigans! I will definitely bring you up here on holiday, without the girls, so that we can blip-meet up again and enjoy the delights of Edinburgh!

Hope Ofsted Day One went okay?xx

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