We made it!

We made it through the week!
We did it!
Hooray for us!!

Prince Samuel and I went to Shenandoah. This is someone's rented camper which has a cute picture of a dog looking out the door window. Many people are traveling with campers this year and one of the benefits is that you can take your pets with you. 

Btw, just learned that more champagne was bought in Washington DC today than in the last two years' New Years Eve celebrations combined:  https://www.newsweek.com/more-champagne-sold-washington-dc-today-last-2-new-years-combined-liquor-store-owners-say-1545813?fbclid=IwAR0XzsiQRgBQQEwvsOq7TldXO9NVIMqjwGX9d41NVKPPZWqn8nNyk1Ty9PE

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