Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


... I was gently nagged and followed in the garden today, by my little friend, reminding me that a couple of the feeders are empty. 
Message heard and understood. 

Hmm. One of the Elderlies has had a fall and sustained a fracture. 
She's not my immediate responsibility, so it hasn't been me who's been the one trying to get through to the hospital for news of her. 
I do know that this lady will be desperate to see her family (mainly because she'll be worried that they'll be worried). 
I know she's in kind and excellent hands but oh, the lack of communication is woeful; not very different from the times before most homes had telephones. 

Which reminds me also... A little romp down memory lane..
When I was at school I was taken on a school trip to see the wonderful Sydney Carter (who is probably most famous for his 'Lord of the Dance' song?). I have never forgotten the thrill of seeing him. It was a small venue and his songs were moving, humorous and joyous. The one I'm reminded of especially was about the perils of standing in a telephone box trying make a connection, via the operator. I think it was called The Telephone Song.
 ('Many's the girl that I've got to know, 
Through a fault in line of the G.P.O. 
I'd do it again but it doesn't seem right,
 I've promised to telephone Mother tonight. 
Say who you are Love, and not 'hello', 
Give me your name and give me your number. 
Say who you are love and not 'hello',
If I press button A all me pennies'll go'). 
It must say something about him that I can still recall most of the lyrics and the tunes even now. I would love to hear it again.  

Hoping for better news tomorrow. And apologies to those who don't have any idea what Buttons A and B were all about. (Obviously I only know because the Elderlies have informed me!). 

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