Bonjour la classe!

We had our team meeting this morning - a really good time of sharing openly where we're all at. 
Home via the British supermarket for Dettol and reduced price chocolate bars! We've got some Cadbury's to give to some UK homeless friends. 
Asha had her first French class with Rainette today! She was utterly delighted and practised her new lines and words for the rest of the afternoon and during Caña Club! Thankyou Mom! Also Asha had her first school council meeting today. She came home very enthusiastic about it all.
Late afternoon I had a lovely Skype with Gill - really good to catch up!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A good team meeting.
2) Mom putting in the effort with Asha.
3) Modern technology - Skype with Gill, WhatsApp with aA!

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