Fog Bow

I experienced two amazing phenomena this morning at Huntley Meadows, that I have never encountered before. The first is this "Fogbow." It was quite foggy when I arrived and as the sun started to burn it off, this appeared. Because I came for wildlife, I didn't have a wide-angle lens, so this was taken with my iPhone.

The second phenomenon occurred because of the fog, mist from the fog, the sunlight, and the incredible number of spider webs on every plant for acres and acres. I have loaded those images in extra. 

People who have been coming to this location for years said they had never seen this. It was hard to capture it but it left everyone astounded and mesmerized. This must have been the work of millions of spiders. After doing a little research it appears that this is a bumper year for spiders. "The combination of warm and wet weather this summer means there have been more insects for spiders to eat." It is a sign of a healthy environment. By the time I left, the fog had burned off, the drops on the webs had dried, and the webs were nearly invisible.  

Be sure to check out the extras. 

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