Exit stage left

By NessD

But the mind is willing.

Enforced rest day. Didn't even leave the house. My orthotics are away getting altered and I can't remember the super-sensible place I put my old ones! So I'm having to make do with a pair of gel insoles which are neither use nor ornament. Great day to impose a couple of days of rest and paracetamol to beat the pain into submission.

Bad night led to late start. Loads of washing up, several loads of washing and not a lot else. Little bits of admin, sorting old photos onto Facebook and trying not to feel guilty about the state of the house post show week. I did think I'd use the rest productively catching up with my French which has been rather neglected in the last couple of weeks but the eagle-eyed will notice the book hasn't been opened. I did manage a few chapters of my book though.

Just sat down with some leftover fizz* to start on some grammar but I'm thinking Glee might win.


PS if I sound downbeat I'm not. My pain score would be down from an 8 yesterday to a 2 max (when resting). In Physio terms that's a bloomin' successful day :-)

* I'm aware this is a very strange concept.

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