Polly's Pictures

By PollyH


Tidied the garden up and put away the remaining garden furniture.  The surprise was seeing the jasmine had come into flower when my back was turned.
'Chewed' the grass, couldn't call it cutting as it was long and wet.

Decided to sort out an ISA on line as it has just matured and interest rate reduced to .01%!  Not a wise plan.
Before I started I managed to spill a whole cup of tea over the keyboard, my trousers, knickers, top, chair and floor (hope that is not too much information).  Change of clothes later,  and much mopping up,  bank stated they were unable to accept on line transactions and to ring, which I did.  Transferred to different department and cut off before I got through.  Second call it was all sorted except I had great difficulty in understanding the thick Scottish accent spoken at great speed.  Eventually managed to understand what was being said and the deal was done.  What happened to the days when you could pop into the bank, without an appointment, and get everything sorted face to face?

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