Big Fish...

Funny how some memories pop back into the heid after years of absence. I've had two recent neural re-acquaintances.

One was of a cartoon character that I used to draw and share with a pen pal I had in my school days. The pen pal, from Carrickfergus in in Northern Ireland also had a cartoon character that he drew called Honk which I do remember vividly. My character came back to me when I saw Instography's (or InstoJunior's) similar in motive 'Bandit Bunny'.

The other was remembered because instead of shower gel in the bathroom just now, we've got a bar of soap. My aunty Ann once taught me how to fling the bar of soap sliding round the inside of the bath. I've not tried that in about 30 years. I passed that one on to the kids the other day.

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