New splashback.

Splashback arrived and J fitted it. It’s a photo of mine printed onto glass. I was a tad worried as to how it would come out, or look. Have to say I’m very pleased with it, it’s much more vibrant than I expected, but that’s fine. It’s an ICM of a local beauty spot. I’ll add the original in extra. At least my reflection won't be in it!

As it’s the only photo I’ve taken today, to show the girls it’ll have to be my blip.

A day mostly spent pretty much completing my photo book for the girls Christmas. That’ll be a weight off my mind.

Today I had a goody bag arrive from a dog food company, and very nice it was too. One of my pictures of the dogs has been selected  for their 2021 calendar Miss February! There were 21,800 entries! I also got a £100 John Lewis voucher! Not bad for a lazy afternoon click on social media that I promptly forgot about!

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