Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Beam Me Up Scotty

Oh the yellow-rumped warblers were so fun to watch today! I just never tire from their antics. They come in to either a bush, the ground, or a rock, and look up at that inviting feeder, and then UP they go. I caught this one just as he lifted off...almost like a ballet dancer!! Too cute!

To see more photos visit my FLICKR page.

I'm still wrestling with this "respiratory ailment" which keeps trying to return. I was feeling better, then got a new sore throat and off it goes again. My daughter called to tell me she had read about people on the west coast of the US having these problems because of the drifting Japanese/Chinese pollution of heavy metals in the atmosphere, coming our way. Now, I've got to get reading up on this and see if there is anything to it.

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