Power pylons

Today's the day ……………………… to argue

There's a big debate going on round here just now - about the controversial proposals for a giant overhead electricity line that would go from Glenlee to Tongland - passing through the Galloway Forest Park and Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere on the way.

It's the age-old problem of needing to upgrade the existing electrical infrastructure - but at what cost?  The prospect of 118 huge pylons marching across a region renowned for its outstanding natural beauty, would seem to be totally inappropriate - and unacceptable to local communities.  But although putting the cables underground would be feasible, SP Energy Networks who have been given the contract, claim that this would add £96M to the bill.

It will be decided early next year if the plans will go ahead - and so anyone with objections to the proposals are being asked to submit them as soon as possible ………………………….

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