Eggs and treacle

Today's the day ……………………… to bake the cake

I would normally have made my Christmas Cake by now - and it would be wrapped up in greaseproof paper in the pantry, quietly maturing until it was time to put the marzipan and icing on. But, I don't know - this year with things all out of kilter - I hadn't given it a thought.

But then this afternoon, I realised that I had all the necessary ingredients to make one, in the house.  It has been a direct result of Lockdown that I have re-vamped all the food in my kitchen cupboards.  I got rid of all the ancient packets of stuff never used, out-of-date spices etc and made sure that I had all the basics.  So that was good!

And the cake is now assembled and in the oven, where it will cook for several hours.  I'll let you know how it turns out ……………………...

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