A Wonky Lighthouse and Soggy Tourists

The weather up at the Lighthouse today was wild.......lashing wind and rain....just beautiful.

My friends from UK got wet and soggy.....the umbrella was useless against these elements. However everyone seemed to be happy to be there and retired to have a cup of tea whilst I scooted around some more to take pictures.

The layers of beauty took my breath away....the grey clouds and silvery ocean.....Julian rocks hardly visable through the weather. I saw some of the biggest waves I've ever seen today.........everything was wild and beautiful.

My poor camera was getting so wet I had to whip out the Go Pro again.....this image already had a fisheye shape to it so I thought I would turn a bit more....I liked the results....
......It somehow reflected some inner calmness amongst all the blustery noise and weather. A Lighthouse in Meditation if you like.

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