Rust Never Sleeps

The Boss says that things take a long time to rust here. We normally have low humidity which is a nice climate feature on hot days. The Bossess had to go away to play today so The Boss and ME had an early morning trip to grab this shot that we had seen a number of days ago and the lighting was spot on he said. Apart from that it was an uneventful day with The Boss spending some time on his computer making changes to the SeniorNet website to help folk with an email crisis when the local Yahoo service got seriously hacked and our local largest ISP cancelled the passwords on 60,000 emails to protect their owners from the crims that did this. Gee I am glad that I have nothing to do with this stuff. I have never bothered with dmail as the analogue version seems to satisfy my news needs perfectly. Testing WOOF!! Yep it still works grrreat.

The Boss says that whatever great people invent there are always nasties out there that want to wreak it. Then again I guess all that activity employs lots of folk to counter the nasties. Think how dull the news would be on TV without all the crime. They would have to talk about good things. Golly imagine an hour of weather.
Heh heh heh
Check the paint job

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