Big Builds, Small Builds, we gottem all...

This small demolition site is interesting because of its neighbours. This was an old eighteenth century rubble built house, that fell into dereliction and has now got permission to be demolished and a new dwelling erected in its place. Being so old, it didn't have the foundations you would expect nowadays and neither do the other houses that in part shared a party wall. 

Concerns exist as to the potential for damage to the adjacent properties. Hopefully that won't happen. The residents of the two remaining dwellings have seen some changes... where the houses stand behind the silver car was not so long ago a meadow. I guess I've been here long enough now I am beginning to say "I remember when all this was fields..."

Anyhow, a decent Derelict for tomorrow, but taken today on our circular walk before the weather closed in. And yes, I've been using the iPhone a lot recently, I have noticed... I guess with the poor weather and deteriorating light I'm been lazy with the camera. Maybe it's time to experiment with low light mono's....

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