Fancy Claps

By safetyisoff


- Sleater-Kinney

Went to Towner's Woods in Kent today. Had to go by myself though since Jon is out of town for a week and a half (blows since this is my spring break and he is going to be gone for most of it.) Really nice day though, first one in a while, so it felt so nice to go and walk around. I started off wearing my headphones but then head birds and stuff in between songs so I decided to switch the music off. Good move. It was so peaceful. I imagined I was in Washington State where both my brothers live and thus get to enjoy these types of settings. Jealous of them...

I also got Twilight delivered to my apartment early this morning. Yay for pre-ordering! I watched the special features earlier but I saved the actual movie for tonight so I can watch it while I eat my chinese take-out :)

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