Hidden in da Forest

It was raining first thing, but turned into a mostly sunny day.  Windy most of the day, and the showers returned in the late afternoon and evening. 

A morning around the house, and some walkies with Sammy.  Met up with friend Julie in the afternoon, and headed walkies with the dogs.  More walkies this evening, and popped by Madeline's on my way home.  A pint later with friend, although tables have to be separate. 

Headed into a small tree plantation with the dogs, one I've never been in before, and was bigger than I expected, with some big trees too.  We came into an overgrown walled garden, and sitting right in the middle of it all, was this big old abandoned house.  It used to be the local post office, and the shop.  I've seen old photos of the garden, once a grand place, with this fancy bridge over the burn, now decaying.  Taken at the old Post Office, Tresta. 

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