Somehow managed to find a secret quiet spot at Beacon hill to let all the dogs off the lead for a run. You can only see two here but I had six with me. Lock down has made everywhere so busy. Hoardes and hoardes of people everywhere now the shops are shut. I'm having to keep the dogs on the lead a lot more which is very hard work when you have playful ones or pullers and not so much fun for them. But by they had a good blast through the fallen leaves.

Finished work just after 3 and even though I was knackered and just wanted to go home for a nice cup of tea, I knew Buddy needed some exercise so we went in the school for half an hour. He was a good boy and I was glad I made the effort.

Everyone tired tonight so we ordered a curry. The kids watched a film whilst me and Mike had a doze on the sofa. Charley and Flora don't need to be asked twice to get up now. They're straight up for cuddles and just sat on Toby cos he was in their way!

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