
By TBay

One of the girls!

I am waiting with great anticipation on the arrival of the first eggs for these pullets . I suspect one the days lengthen again this will spur them into action! It is always a case of feast  or famine situation, two eggs a day currently but when they all come into lay there will be 20 odd a day. A sales campaign with have to be put into action!!

A pleasant day spent doing not too much. We had an early Birthday celebration for Miss E last night so a few sore heads this morning! Not me this time I am glad to report.

  Mrs Tbay Jnr hosted a delicious roast dinner for lunch. A nice bit of pork which was scrummy! It was also nice not to have to cook too!

As lockdown continues the numbers in our area have increased. I do not go anywhere if at all possible. The food is now delivered again and anything else we need comes via the post . 

I have been in touch with my American Cousin who has contracted this damn virus. He is OK at the moment and I am hoping he will be able to fight it off. How he got it remains a mystery as he has been so careful when going out etc. His wife has also tested positive too. I have also has sad news that another elderly cousin living in Kenya has also contracted Covid and that his wife has sadly died from it. They live in a small town about two and half hours from Nairobi and again have been super careful. It does just show how wide this blob of protein has travelled via humans. Fingers crossed he too can fight it off as at 83 its more of a challenge. 

So to conclude, dont take risks and stay safe.

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