Sunburst (Day 2017)

The plan this morning was for a trip to town to collect.a tap for a customer from the supplier, then fit it before heading to Stromness to try and get a radiator working.
It turned out that my supplier was waiting for stock, so I postponed the first job and made my way to Stromness where I set about removing and flushing the radiator. Radiator flushing is a job best done outside, but was made difficult today by the strong wind turning the radiator into a kite and the frequent heavy showers soaking me.
I flushed as much goop out of the radiator as possible, re fitted it and made my way home, stopping on the way for a deceptively nice pic of Hoy.
A quick lunch, then out to collect the tap and fit it. There was a call out to change another kitchen tap in Orphir then a visit to a job I will be doing in Stromness tomorrow.
This evening the woofers and I are unsupervised as my beautiful wife is off on a 24 hour shift.

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