Normal symptoms of working home

I really should not visit here in daily basis, but here under the green mark is doctors in the clinic called Mehiläinen. My poor hemorrhoid got nasty after the last week colonoscopia here...New meds from the doctor and I left back home. I hope that meds help. And I should move around more.... Walking would be the best.

Getting serious about these small health problems lately. Injust habe to do something more for my body. The doctor said, that this hemorrhoid is one of normal symptoms of  working remotely. She has been waiting actually this reactions, as people just sit down in whatever places and do their jobs in non-ergonomic ways.

My daughter had made lentil soup and helped with the dishes. My husband took out garbages and washed the car. Maybe my message yesterday was clearly understood!

In the evening we all left to the hot common sauna in Ylöjärvi and bathed and swimmed there. Absolutely lovely as the water was +4,6c already! Almost winter temperature that is!


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