Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

What big ears you have.....

Luna has very expressive ears - she does seem to be very responsive to even the slightest noise, and she responds instantly to a whistle. I am not sure if Lizzie was deaf / lazy / couldn't be arsed - probably a combination of the three.

Luna is doing so well, she's really settling in quickly and is an affectionate and bright girl. She doesn't act her age in the slightest - good on her!

Three areas still to sort - 

 - she won't jump into the car - it's not that she can't; she has a mental block so I am confident we can sort that
 - she won't tackle the stairs in the house. This wouldn't bother me particularly except that John gets up at 5am to leave for work and Luna then thinks it's time  we were all up keeping her company. We have been practising steps in the park quite successfully so I think she might get there
 - she is very interested in other dogs. When I say 'interested' I don't know yet if it's 'I want to play with you', or 'I want to sniff you' or 'I want to eat you'. Hence the muzzle. She has met various other greyhounds, and a couple of labradors very successfully and sociably, but until I know her better, and especially when I am on my own, she is muzzled. She's not impressed with the muzzle in the slightest, my legs are black and blue from the efforts to remove it. 

She's only been here a week so the progress is amazing - what a clever girl. 

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