Tiny ..........

 ............ Tuesday286  (TT286).  Thanks to JDO for hosting.

Mixed peppercorns.   I use a lot and tend to buy them in bulk online - this time the package came with some too large to fit in the peppermill - they crush well in the pestle & mortar, though, so nothing lost. 
I must have breathed in as I was putting them back in the storage jar - a sneezing fit and a coughing fit followed!!!!

Smile for the Day:

A man and his sheepdog, Tip, out in the field getting the sheep in for the night.

Tip: (he's a talking sheepdog!!):   That's all 40 sheep in.

Man:    What??  We only have 37?

Tip:    I know  -  I rounded them up!!!

(Think about it!  Think about it!)


~ Anni ~

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