
By Mindseye

Red devil #5

A fitfull night, mainly because I knew I had to be up and out early......alarm was set, but still I woke at regular intervals.

I left hub in bed and was on the road just after 7.30 to make sure I arrived in good time. Good job I did, an accident on the M60 saw me detour onto the M62 and take a different longer route, held up by the level crossing, 3 trains later, I made it with 10 minutes to spare, the hearse had already arrived outside the house.

The chaplain was one of our old brigade officers many years ago, he lead the service, a familiar face is always welcome at these difficult times. My ex and his younger son both paid lovely tributes to Les Snr, difficult and upsetting for both of them, but they got through it, just. It was tough to sit and see "our" son sobbing and not be able to go and comfort him, his wife and god-mum were there for him thankfully.

Afterwards I said my goodbyes and headed home, a much quieter drive back. Stopped off to pick up hubs paper and a few groceries.... home before noon.

Whilst I was making a sandwich for lunch I noticed this little red breasted fellow flapping around in the bird bath, so another dash for the camera and lens change....he was obviously enjoying himself and stayed a while thankfully.

A bit of housework this afternoon, not a lot else.

The music chosen for Les's final journey today was the old " Manchester United" song......as all the family were and still are staunch "reds".

This little "red" seems an appropriate and symbolic blip to mark this sad day.

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