The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Morning in Castle Street, Stroud

Snapped on my way to work. Let us draw a veil over work this morning. Behind the veil, people are screaming. Our boss went out at lunchtime and bought us a giant tub of chocolates....

The person I'd been in contact with had tested negative for the 'rona but I had already cancelled a planned coffee and catch up with a friend. I went home and did some speed reading for my afternoon Zoom class, but it turned out that the reading was for next week!

I've volunteered to organise a Christmas party on Zoom for the class on December. I wish I was someone more exciting, like Dolly Parton, and could get a team of people around me to help throw a grand ole 'online hoedown. I am a little low on festive cheer right now.

The real Dolly Parton was on the One show tonight. I do love her, wondering now if her new Christmas album is on Spotify already.

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