
By fotoday

Derbyshire hills

I can't resist photos of field barns.
Todays walk was around part of the Chatsworth Estate. We started at Calton Lees car park, prebooked as is the new norm, walked up past the hamlet and on up the remote track past some nice holiday lets. The main blip was looking back at this point across the rolling hills. Across the top for a mile or so then down hill through a few trees before the magnificent house comes into view and today it was bathed in sun so I couldn't resist a couple of extras. The first extra is an enormous pano was 5 shots stitched together. The next one is a photo I have waited a long time for with a herd of fallow deer grazing in the right spot.
A wonderful walk with a picnic, cake from an honesty table and a takeaway coffee all taken in Edensor, nicely positioned at the halfway point. 

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