LD 242 Views of the unexpected

Six years ago today I left both the post of Education Secretary and the Scottish Government and my last blip in that job was of the view from my (then) office in the Parliament.  

No one can foretell the future so perhaps there is no surprise in the fact that six years on I have been back in Government for more than two thirds of that time and that today, in the midst of a global pandemic, I have been signing secondary legislation for the changes in regulatory level in some areas, discussing with the Islay Community Council the difficulties that individuals and the island are facing as a result of what we are all going through , holding on line meetings about the looming disaster of ending the Brexit transition period with people in locations as far apart as New York and Brussels , writing my weekly column for the Sunday National and at the end of the day having a  video  conversation with Jenni Minto, the person chosen by the local SNP this week to be my successor as  the party candidate in Argyll & Bute at the Holyrood elections next May.

Oh,  and looking back on not a single day missed on blipfoto in that time.

But I am surprised none the less and it only goes to show that life, and politics, is utterly unpredictable - thank goodness. 

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