Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


This is a Graze Box. In short it's healthy food by post. And before you all think I'm nuts, I had a code for one free box and one half price, then I'll cancel! This arrived this morning. It's essentially grapes, some raisins (albeit pineapple infused ones) and some dried strawberries and bananas.

I think it's the lazy man's answer to eating healthily and never having to leave his desk. I think it's aimed at high flying city workers who work 18 hour days and never leave their desks. For £2.99 you can have this delivered. They alternate what they send you obviously. Some things admittedly do look good, but I think it's exactly as the name sounds. Graze to me sounds like a lazy word. I got 23 grapes today. I'd rather just buy a load of grapes for that price!

This is my 99th Blip, I thought I would hit the 10,000 views on my 100th Blipday tomorrow, but I've only 10 to go, so it'll be today now. Yay. Thanks everyone for viewing :o)

P.S. If anyone happens to want to try the graze, they send me a code for friends to get a box for £1. Just let me know.

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