Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Classic lemon

It started with the book 'Of mice and men' by John Steinbeck. A very famous book, you probably did it at school- like we did. basically, the two main characters are Lennie and Georgie. Lennie being a simple man and George was intelligent and could live on his own. So that was me and Mandy. I was Lennie- because I'm not as clever as she is. Anways, Lennie was easier to say to Mandy than George, but Lennie turned into Lemmie (like a lemming, which is like a small weasel character. Appropriate- she's super small) but thus it led to 'Lemon' and forever it has stuck. Sometimes it ranges from Lemon, to NuNu to Nena to Loomie. These nicknames have been generally versions of a previous one. I mean, nearly 8 years of friendship names start to be a distant memory.

I'm going to Edinburgh tomorrow with my lemon so expect some hilariousness to a cur.

Happy Blipping.

"Aren't we all lemons in the fruit bowl of life?"

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