Because this is who I am

By Brighde


No word of a lie, one of my favourite pictures I've ever taken. For some reason, which inspires my new Body Language topic, his posture and the way he's sitting makes me feel what he does.

This is my uncle Bodge. Who is probably the coolest people going. He's 51 and hasn't got a car, doesn't have a mobile and lives in a student flat in the middle of Edinburgh. He's one of those people that everyone would love to be, so laid back and chilled pretty much most of the time. And when me and mandy got horrifically lost because my Mum, who also doesn't drive, said 'keep bearing left', was very calm with me. As if i'm a 3 year old, but you get me.

Back to school tomorrow, joyus times. I've done zilch work but over the holidays I have managed to accomplished various things.
>Save money for things I really like
> I have a new notepad dedicated to 'words I like'
> Learnt to use the coffee machine at work (absolutely massive deal)
>See two concerts (one being xfactor tour show and the other Rocky Horror which omg go see right now you will be amazed and slightly aroused)
> Take pictures of people (see above)
> Not clean my room for an entire week

See, I'm busy y'know?

Happy Blipping.

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