
By TBay

Birthday girl.

How blessed was I to have a boy and a girl! 33 years ago Miss Tbay entered the world at some speed  unlike Mr Tbay Jnr who was somewhat reluctant to make and entrance! 

A birthday tea was great fun this evening, but the picture is from Saturday when we opened presents and had a wee glass of fizz. See extra of Harry!

Miss Tbay is now working from home for two weeks starting today. After a very nice tea party we then had supper with the Tbay Jnrs which was lovely. We are so lucky as a family to love to be together when ever we can.

I am now trying to get our spare room prepped for me to hang lining paper. We have given up on getting a decorator in and besides the extortionate cost of the last quote we still have not managed to cure the leaking roof. Oh the joys of an old property. Until we can do this hanging expensive wall paper is a waste of time and money. So we will do a holding job until the spring and just paint the walls for the time being. Once this room is decorated then I can get my upstairs back to some semblance of order!

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