Silver lining

For a while, a few years back, my Twitter bio read "Perennial seeker of silver linings" and I stand guilty as (self) charged. But, you know, there nearly always is a silver lining although admittedly sometimes the cloud it surrounds is so dark that it's best to keep one's optimism to oneself.

I mention this because today I went for a lunchtime walk with my daughter, Hannah*. Time was we'd have met for a coffee or, later in the day, a glass of wine. That sedate option isn't currently available, so instead we walked up and down the canal near where she lives.

And it was lovely: the overcast skies gave way to blue and there's something about walking that facilitates the occasional companionable silence. It was so lovely, I'd like to think we'll keep doing it but once the coffee shops and bars re-open, that's less likely to be honest. So, we'll enjoy this silver lining while it lasts.

* 1.2 in the old classification that I once used on Twitter to a) avoid naming the kids and b) help people keep track: first marriage:second child.

No scales
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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