Dusk at North Kessock. Apologies for the third dusk shot in succession. At least it's good to be heading home with some light in the sky.

Another busy day at work, and what looked to a beautiful day outside. Even colder cycle than yesterday. It was around -5 degrees C when I set off. Had an issue with gear change mechanism, and the chain. Temporarily sorting it left me with one thoroughly oily hand. I remembered the pair of thin vinyl gloves in my bag, after the event...

Various bicycle maintenance done tonight... in the kitchen. Too darned cold out in the garage! One of the advantages of being single. In a former house, there was a motorcycle in the living room. Nothing posh, or fancy, like a "Harley," but a ratty old Honda. A period of marriage put paid to such liberties. It was good having them back. Hence the photo, somewhere, of a kayak on the living room table...

Apologies for the lack of commenting. Trying to get to bed earlier for the foreseeable future - earlier starts, whilst they work on that bridge.

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