
By DramaQueen

Best dressed

Lockdown 2.0 - day 17

Mr A was working away today, so I spent the day pottering about and was quite pleased to reach just over 1400 steps.
I’m definitely getting more mobile and whenever my foot is elevated, I’m doing my best to wiggle my toes and flex my ankle.

I checked my wardrobe and for once I can genuinely say I have nothing to wear!

I’m not a skirt or dress kinda gal; give me skinny jeans and boots any day.
With this is mind, I took a chance and ordered some stuff from ‘Everything five pounds’. My logic being that it will tide me over until the frame comes off and I’ve not spent a fortune on stuff I won’t wear again.
My order arrived today and it’s actually not bad. I’ve got 3 skirts, 2 dresses and 3 pairs of culottes; only one pair of culottes won’t fit over the frame, otherwise they’re great!
I also remembered another dress I had put in my charity shop pile, so that has been rescued for me to wear again.

I’m feeling like everything is coming together now and being able to get dressed will also make me feel better, rather than lounging all day in my nightie :-)

DQ x

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