
By DramaQueen

Step up

Lockdown 2.0 - Day 16

Trying to explain where we live is never easy so since a picture speaks a thousand words, here we go!
When I say we live in a bungalow with steps, everyone automatically assumes it’s a dormer.
Our living space is all one level but we do have a staircase down to the garage and utility room. As the garage is under the house, we need steps at the side to access the front & side doors.

It’s these steps at the front that are posing me problems at the moment; they’re so narrow!

Out of the blue this morning, I got a call from the occupational therapist, to follow up on how I’m doing; she went mad when I said about my transport issues! I was told, there was absolutely no way I should be putting myself at risk. She said to ring transport again and insist on an ambulance, with chairlift assistance. I didn’t dare contradict her!

The district nurse also came today to change my dressings. Again, she was pleased with how they pin sites are healing (dry is good!) but concerned that my foot is dropping. She told me I need to walk more.
I explained my concern is that when I’ve tried to walk more, a couple of the pin sites start to weep, so I’ve been worried I’m doing too much.
She reassured me that this is normal and the more I walk, the less it will weep. That’s all I needed to know, so I’ve been up and about ever since. I’m really concentrating on rolling through my foot, from heel to ball and also lifting my good foot rather than sliding, so I’m putting more weight through the left side.
I’m also aware that I’m having to lean into the frame less to support myself, which again is a massive achievement to me.

Mr A is working away tomorrow, so I’ve got to look after myself. This feels far less daunting now I know I can walk with more confidence :-)

DQ x

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