
By JennyOwen

Late autumn flowers

Flowers on lightboxes are not normally my thing, so this was a tentative experiment (inspired by some 'homework' for the camera club I belong to). This was a collection of fading blooms from the garden, picked in the chilly sunshine this morning.  It turned out to be quite a meditative and relaxing process, and I can see room for more experiments (and, of course, for improvement).
Then this afternoon I went to the park near Ruth and Josh's house, with Josh, Eben and Luca. Ruth needed some peace and quiet to do some preparation for a job interview this coming week. The playground was busy and lively, and we met Jack and Frieda there - a bonus.  It was cold, though - very cold for Frieda and Luca, who don't move as fast as Eben does. Despite that, a good time.

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