
By earthdreamer

Ups and Downs

A day of being as up and down as the weather. My legs can't decide about themselves. Neither can my head. I'm all over the place.

Eldest son has become a fairly hardcore Arsenal fan. Youngest son is an extremely hardcore Leeds fan. The two clubs played each other today, their first league meeting in many, many years. I like to think that I'm just a fan of good football. I'm happy to see my boyhood club of Crystal Palace do well, and like to see Leeds and Arsenal do well too, for my boys. Two weeks ago, watching Palace beat Leeds in a rather fortunate 4-1 win, I realised that I've become a pretty hardcore Leeds fan myself now. That defeat hurt and the feeling was endorsed today while sitting on the couch with Forrest, in agony as Leeds hit the bar and the post twice with great efforts, his sighs of relief swamped by my cries of anguish. The game finished 0-0 and a more entertaining goalless draw it would be hard to imagine. Thankfully, Roam watched the game from his van, currently in Germany. Leeds deserved all three points today. It would have painful to have had Roam sitting next to me, watching that this afternoon. Sorry mate, but I'm glad you weren't here. So are the upstairs and downstairs neighbours!

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