
By OurYearOut

Hand Over Notes

Ul may have left Congo a month ago, but somehow these have not quite happened. I can see it's hideous to go back to, but he's tried everything to avoid it - including viewing lego machines on u-tube hours during the last moments in Berlin. . . This morning however, in the serene garden of our teak stilted guest-house, accompanied by doves squabbling over the Buddah contributions for the day and a cat that clearly would never dream of chasing them, they are beaten. The last obligation to Congo.

One of the bigger temples. As ever tranquil despite the bustle. A white and gold cheddi (white domed thing) and cool frangipanis against the blue sky off set by orange robed trainee monks coming out of school and dogs lolling around in the shade. It's very welcoming and calm.

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