Super Gut

By supergut


Day has been colder and darker than the days before. I'm getting depression. Spring! Oh spring, where are you? I need the sunshine for my pale skin. For my cold heart. But even though it has been grayish day, someones doesn't care. Still some little buddies refresh our minds by showing their colors.

I was in a photography fair today and talked to chiefeditor of one photographing magazine. I learned lots of useful things:
1) Not to buy Canon L-serie lenses. 50% of their price is weather coating. The optics are pretty much same than in cheaper lenses.
2) My next camera is going to be 40D or 500D. Which would you prefer? Canon will try to get 40D out of markets so its price should drop to around 600euros.
3) I will take pictures just the way I did before. I listened to a speech of our magazine-photographer of the year. And I have pretty much same style than he does.

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