Super Gut

By supergut

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay part 2

How gray can it be? Answer: as gray as this.
Haven't seen sun for a couple of days now. But I'm not depressed now because I know that soon we can feel the bright colours of nature and the warmth of the sun.

It's been a weird day. Not only because of the impossible grayness and colourless colours, but because of the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. I was walking in Espa today and I realised how beautiful our little city can really be. It was somehow magical. I have never experienced the kind of calmness I felt today. I could feel the mist on my skin, could hear the gravel make sound under my feet, could see the bold trees streching on me. There was no distraction. Only me.


This picture have not been manipulated in any way. Not even contrast.

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