The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Crazy Cat Lady

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was feeling very organised today as I went to post my overseas Christmas presents. I waited in the (always huge queue) in the little post office and presented my 6 packages.

Yours was processed first LTJ (without comment at the customs label) but 2 packages later...

“Are ALL of these packages for CATS?”

Me (scoffing): Nooooo! Only half of them. Three are for humans.”

I then handed the next one across to Post Office Dude who raised an eyebrow. I will admit that at this point that addressing the parcel to “The Gorgeous Pussy Cats” seemed slightly less cute than when I wrote it!

POD (openly mocking): Not sending anything to any dogs?

Me: No, I’m the one with the dog!

POD: Will you be needing any Christmas stamps?

Me: No thanks, I’m ok for stamps.

POD: Not sending cards to any other cats or dogs?

Me: Nope, they’re all covered!

I’m going to a different post office next year!


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